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Altmétricas o métricas alternativas


  1. Barcelos, J., Macedo, D. J., & Maricato, J. D. M. (2020). Altmetrics in Altmetric platform: an interview with Stacy Konkiel. Revista Ibero-americana de Ciência da Informação, 24(2), 452-474.  

  2. Björneborn, L. (2004). Small-world link structures across an academic web space: a library and information science approach (Doctoral dissertation, Royal School of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, DDenmark).

  3. Björneborn, L. & Ingwersen P. (2004) Toward a Basic Framework for Webometrics. Journal of American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55, 1216-1227.

  4. Gumpenberger, C., Glänzel, W., & Gorraiz, J. (2016). The ecstasy and the agony of the altmetric score. Scientometrics, 108(2), 977-982.

  5. Konkiel, S. (2020). Assessing the impact and quality of research data using altmetrics and other indicators. Scholarly Assessment Reports, 2(1). 

  6. Mukherjee, B., Subotić, S., & Chaubey, A. K. (2018). And now for something completely different: The congruence of the altmetric attention Score’s structure between different article groups. Scientometrics, 114(1), 253-275.

  7. Ortega, J. L. (2018). Reliability and accuracy of altmetric providers: a comparison among Altmetric. com, PlumX and Crossref Event Data. Scientometrics, 116(3), 2123-2138.

  8. Ortega, J. L. (2020). Proposal of composed altmetric indicators based on prevalence and impact dimensions. Journal of Informetrics, 14(4), 1-12.

  9. Priem, J. & Hemminger, B. M. (2010). Scientometrics 2.0: Toward New Metrics of Scholarly Impact on the Social Web. First Monday, 15(7).

  10. Priem, J., Taraborelli, D., Groth, P. & Neylon, C. (2010). Altmetrics: A manifesto.

  11. Robinson-García, N., Torres-Salinas, D., Zahedi, Z., & Costas, R. (2014). New data, new possibilities: Exploring the insides of arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.0135.

  12. Roemer, R. C., & Borchardt, R. (2015). Meaningful metrics: A 21st century librarian's guide to bibliometrics, altmetrics, and research impact. Amer Library Assn. 

  13. Santana, S. (2018). Las métricas alternativas y sus potencialidades para el profesional de la salud. Revista Médica Clínica Las Condes, 29(4), 484–490.

  14. Tahamtan, I. & Bornmann, L. (2020). “Altmetrics and societal impact measurements: Match or mismatch? A literature review”. El profesional de la información, 29(1), e290102.

  15. Thelwall, M., Vaughan, L. & Björneborn, L. (2005). Webo - metrics. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 39(1), 81-135.

  16. Torres, D., Cabezas, Á., & Jiménez, E. (2013). Altmetrics: nuevos indicadores para la comunicación científica en la Web 2.0. Comunicar, XXI(41), 53-60.